Sales Project Test

Sales Project Test measures knowledge, motivation and behavior to identify the best applicants to fit your selling culture, development needs of sales staff and tools to deploy to introduce change in sales.

Sales Project Test

measures the individual Dominant Sales Behavior type throughout the seven sales processes and based on the work and validated with sales organizations in Hungary and Mexico. The work on the questionnaire started in 1996 and was accomplished in 2005.

The Sales Project model helps organizations to align their sales channels/activities with the type of the market they are on based on five core organizational sales roles. The type of the market defines the dominant buyers' behavior and the nature of selling points. The questionnaire maps the fit of the sales staff behaviors to buyers' behaviors on the company's target market.

There are five basic sales roles differing in the related measurables and wage system:

Hunter / Agent type behavior on the mass market.

Farmer / Sales Representative type behavior on serial product market

Fisherman / Consultant type behavior on individual needs market

Harvester / Brand-related behavior

Urban / Non-sale behavior

Description of the sales roles:

Hunter / Agent on the mass market - Everybody is a buyer

Sale is closed by signing the contract, with no further services, no intent to keep the costumer. The product for sale is predefined, non-negationable, only the duration and payment terms are. The main measurable is the quantity and value of sale. Salesmen are paid commission. Salesmen's on boarding is short, focused on knowledge of the product in question and of the standard sales speech/selling points. The Hunter-like behavior means to contact as many as possible people or companies with no previous selection of potential buyers. Sales results are in proportion with the number of salesmen contracted.

Farmer / Sales representatives - Every buyer is the most important

Sale begins with signing of the contract; to keep the customer for next purchases or upgrades services are offered and provided when and what the customer requires. The basic measurable is loyalty of the customer (outcome of "farming" them sales behavior). Salary is divided between a fixed regular monthly payment and a dividend coming directly from sales numbers. People with professional knowledge are employed, sales depends on how well the salesman defines the personal selling points for each costumer. Costumers are preselected according to their buying power and practice. Sales results are measured in sales volume.

Fisherman / Advisory relationship - Buying a solution  

The Fisherman is an expert of his/her field of knowledge. The sale begins with buying that knowledge together with the person owning it. The buyer and the seller are working together solving the special problem of the buyer. The basic measurable is the level of customer satisfaction; payment is project based. Salesman is fishing in the buyers' pool searching for the best fit to his/her expertise problem to solve. The volume of the sales is limited by the salesmen availability.

Harvester - Buying a brand

Harvester works on and with customers who are attached to the brand through advantages the brand offers (everything in one place, the image the brand represents, membership value, etc.). Harvester-type sale uses the visit initiated by the customer to broaden the number and value of goods bought at that one visit.  The basic measurable of sales is stock rotation. Efficiency of sales is expressed through quantity or value of sold products or services per hours open on number of salesmen present. The duration and the content of the on boarding process vary in dependence of product variety, size of the floor, value proposition offered by the company.

Urban / Non-sale

The questionnaire identifies those, who are not choosing any sale-related behavior. It can be in line with the market philosophy of the company, but can understood as deficit in sale performance of the respondents.

The strengths and gaps are identified by sales processes in order to individualize educational or developmental needs of respondents.

Description of the scales

Every scale contains of five items, each of which has responses related to the five sales roles. The responders divide seven points expressing preference among the responses representing each sales role in every item. Thus 35 points is the maximum one sales role can obtain on one scale. The map counts the percent of points given to a sales role on one scale.

The scales of the Sales Project:

I. Market/Customer targeting - identification of market segment the company works on, preferred methods of prospecting, customer database type

II. Customer relations - number, frequency and duration of customer contacts, who initiates the contact

III. Forecasting - business acumen, measurables accepted as valid for the sales activities

IV. Product, service knowledge - kind and depth of the knowledge obtained/used on product, service and profession

V. Contracting/Closing - managing the control over the sales process between the buyer and the salesman

VI. Negotiation techniques - preparation, talking/listening practice

VII. Managing obstacles - what events are seen as problems, in what process and when are they identified

VIII. Managing organizational resources - perception of required by the respondents organizational background, role of support in sales process

IX. Performance orientation - success seekers develop step by step, every new success is a result of a learning process, they define achievable goals with little challenge; failure avoiders show two different attitudes: one group overestimates the knowledge, experience and possibilities, they avoid failure by undertaking the impossible never reaching unrealistic goals; the other group underestimates their abilities and impact on events and others; one success is a result of favorable circumstances, never repeatable.


Sales Project contains two parts: the 45 self-descriptive items and nine situations with 35-45 minutes to respond in average. The numerical results in the map form are obtained in an Excel-sheet using predefined formulas.

Sample items:

It is difficult to predict after the first contacts, if the customer will buy something or not.

The market has its own rules - it is difficult to influence it.

We can increase our sales developing the products and services continually.

The most successful way to increase sales is to increase the quantity and sales value of our loyal clients.

The most important to catch the first signs of willingness to buy, than selling depends only on me.

Salesmen are successful, if they can identify clients` needs clearly.

Customers initiate the relationships with us; we are to answer and to satisfy their necessities.

To be successful we have to contact 50 customers in one week.

To be successful we have to contact 120 customers in one week.

We have to contact as many customers as to sell the expected daily sales value.

The sales plan is the

daily schedule of salesmen - how many clients to contact, visit

plan of sales in quantity, in value per months, annually

schedule to work together with the client

realization of the company's strategy

forecast based on previous behavior of our clients

Sample situation:

II. A sales representative of a prestigious firm of products and services contacts you. What do you think about this?
1. You are wondering how it would be to work at this company...
2. It is always interesting to hear any offers...
3. It is interesting to see another professional work...
4. Do you feel it could be done better...
5. Listening with interest, you may be interested in the offer...
6. You are listening politely knowing how hard to do this...
7. You would prefer a short focused presentation...
8. You would withdraw as many data and facts about the company, as you can

9. You do not listen to, you prefer to buy there and then, when and where you want.


The questionnaire offers to use a company standard; most companies work on mixed markets, the key success factors can vary among sales process at different companies. The best way to standardize the questionnaire to measure the best salesmen first, then compare the results of others to these. 

Order the test or more information at:

For more on PsyOn Consulting visit  PsyOn Website :

For more on the author of the test visit her LinkedIn profile as Judit Farkas

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